I Do Insure

Wedding Insurance For South Africa

Thank you for submitting your wedding insurance claim with I Do Insure.

We understand the importance of your claim and are committed to handling it with the utmost care and efficiency. Our claims team is reviewing your information and will be in contact soon to discuss the next steps.

We are here to support you during this crucial time and appreciate your patience.

As a future-focused business, iTOO is continuously researching new developments to deliver the very best specialist products to its customers’ complex and growing needs. With technical fluency in every sphere of their business, they pride themselves on service that goes above and beyond. They believe that understanding their customers and their individual needs, is what really sets them apart, sharpens their expertise and broadens their service offering. At iTOO they don’t see case numbers, they see people; which is why their service always goes above and beyond.
iTOO Special Risks (Pty) Ltd (Reg No: 2016/281463/07) is an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP No. 47230)
Underwritten by The Hollard Insurance Co. Ltd, a Licensed Non-Life Insurer and Auth. FSP.